Antioxidants Journals

Antioxidants are man-made or natural substances which will prevent or delay some sorts of cell damage. Diets high in vegetables and fruits, which are good sources of antioxidants, are found to be healthy; however, research has not shown antioxidant supplements to be beneficial in preventing diseases. Examples of antioxidants include vitamins C and E, selenium, and carotenoids, like beta-carotene, lycopene, lutein, and zeaxanthin. This fact sheet provides basic information about antioxidants, summarizes what the science says about antioxidants and health, and suggests sources for extra information. Free radicals are highly unstable molecules that are naturally formed once you exercise and when your body converts food into energy. Your body also can be exposed to free radicals from a spread of environmental sources, like cigarette smoke, pollution , and sunlight. Free radicals can cause “oxidative stress,” a process which will trigger cell damage. Oxidative stress is thought to play a role in a variety of diseases including cancer, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, and eye diseases such as cataracts and age-related macular degeneration. Antioxidant molecules are shown to counteract oxidative stress in laboratory experiments (for example, in cells or animal studies). However, there's debate on whether consuming large amounts of antioxidants in supplement form actually benefits health. There is also some concern that consuming antioxidant supplements in excessive doses could also be harmful.Vegetables and fruits are healthy foods and rich sources of antioxidants.

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