Wildlifescience Online Journals

The wildlife science online journals publishes original papers, research notes, reviews on the topics like breeding, genetics involved in the wildlife, the environment, health and behavior. It also publishes articles on the topics such as the wildlife metabolism, nutrition, reproduction , their conservation and preservation in their original habitat. Focuses on all aspects of wildlife biology. Topics include wildlife ecology, diseases, toxicology, conservation, management and sustainable use of natural resources. Covers socio-cultural aspects of human-wildlife relationships and history and sociology of hunting. The Journal of Wildlife Management publishes manuscripts containing information from original research that contributes to basic wildlife science. Suitable topics include investigations into the biology and ecology of wildlife and their habitats that has direct or indirect implications for wildlife management and conservation. European Journal of Wildlife Research focuses on all aspects of wildlife biology. Main areas are: applied wildlife ecology; diseases affecting wildlife population dynamics, conservation, economy or public health; ecotoxicology; management for conservation, hunting or pest control; population genetics; and the sustainable use of wildlife as a natural resource. Contributions to socio-cultural aspects of human-wildlife relationships and to the history and sociology of hunting will also be considered. This Open Access Fisheries Journals follows a peer reviewing process in publishing the articles.