Optical Coherence Tomography Research Articles

 Optical Coherence Tomography is a noninvasive imaging innovation used to acquire high goals cross-sectional pictures of the retina. The layers inside the retina can be separated and retinal thickness can be estimated to help in the early identification and finding of retinal diseases and conditions. OCT testing has gotten a standard of care for the appraisal and treatment of most retinal conditions. OCT utilizes beams of light to gauge retinal thickness. No radiation or X-beams are utilized in this test, an OCT filter doesn't do any harm and it isn't awkward. You might be given an OCT examine for an assortment of reasons, including observing of the advancement of your malady, confirming or limiting associated expanding with the retina or checking OCT results against different outcomes to decide the adequacy of the current medicine system. Optical Coherence Tomography utilizes innovation that is best contrasted with ultrasound, then again, actually it utilizes light instead of sound and in this manner accomplishes more clear, more honed goals