Neuropharmacology Peer-review Journals
Neuropharmacology is the study of how
drugs in the nervous system affect neuronal function, and the neural processes by which they influence actions.
Neuropharmacology has two main branches: the behavioral and the molecular. Behavioral
neuropharmacology focuses on the study of how
drugs influence human actions (neuropsychopharmacology), and how substance dependence and addiction impact the human brain. Molecular
neuropharmacology involves studying the
neurons and their neurochemical interactions, with the overall objective of developing
drugs that have beneficial effects on neurological function. Each of these areas are closely related as both are concerned with the interactions in the central and peripheral nervous systems of neurotransmitters, neuropeptides, neurohormones, neuromodulators, enzymes, second messengers, co-transporters, ion channels, and receptor proteins. Researchers are developing medications to research these associations to treat many different neurological conditions, including pain,
neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease, psychiatric disorders, addiction, and many more.
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