
 Lipidomics’ applies to studying lipid metabolism on a broad scale. Lipidomics may elucidate the biochemical mechanism(s) underlying specific changes in lipid metabolism. Advances in mass spectrometry have greatly accelerated the lipidomics field. Chemical derivatization has shown its broad use in improving analytical sensitivity and specificity in lipidomics. Multiomic data integration is challenging but necessary to uncover the mechanism(s) liable for the lipid metabolism changes of a biological system after perturbation. Dynamic lipidomics for assessing lipid turnover kinetics and therefore the effects of individual enzyme (de)activation on lipid homeostasis remains challenging. Single cell lipidomics characterizes the unique chemical composition of individual cells, and is on the agenda of advancing lipidomics. Lipidomics may be a newly emerged discipline that studies cellular lipids on an outsized scale supported analytical chemistry principles and technological tools, particularly mass spectrometry. Recently, techniques have greatly advanced and novel applications of lipidomics within the biomedical sciences have emerged. This review provides a timely update on these aspects. After briefly introducing the lipidomics discipline, we compare mass spectrometry-based techniques for analysis of lipids and summarize very recent applications of lipidomics in health and disease. Finally, we discuss the status of the sector , future directions, and advantages and limitations of the sector .  

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