Reflex Anuria High Impact Factor- Journals

 Reflex anuria(RA) was specified by Hull as cessation of urine output from both kidneys due to annoyance or trauma to one kidney or its ureter, or severely painful stimuli to other organs. This is not a common thought among urologists or nephrologists. The phenomenon has not been thoroughly understood. But intrarenal arteriolar spasm and ureteral spasm have added wide acceptance as the mechanisms of RA. In order to depict the overall profile of the disease and to additional elucidate the pathogenesis of RA. A classification system of RA was proposed as renoureteral reflex, neurovascular reflex, ureterorenal reflex, radiated renovascular reflex, ureteroureteral reflex and radiated ureteral reflex, based on the two assumed mechanisms and the stimulus' origins. Those types except renoureteral reflex had extended supporting evidence from clinical case reports. RA is a diagnosis of exclusion, only being measured after ruling out common and tangible etiologies such as ureteral calculi, acute tubular necrosis, , hypovolemia, infection, renal vascular occlusion etc. If the diagnosis has been implemented, treatment plan should be focused toward the mechanisms more than the causative factors. Irregularities of the autonomic nerve system and congenital urogenital malformations incline people to RA.   

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