Occupational Diseases

 An industrial disease is any chronic ailment that happens as a results of work or occupational activity. It is a facet of occupational safety and health. An industrial disease is usually identified when it's shown that it's more prevalent during a given body of workers than within the general population, or in other worker populations. The first such disease to be recognised, squamous-cell carcinoma of the scrotum, was identified in chimney sweep boys by Sir Percival Pott in 1775[citation needed]. Occupational hazards that are of a traumatic nature (such as falls by roofers) aren't considered to be occupational diseases. Under the law of workers' compensation in many jurisdictions, there's a presumption that specific disease are caused by the worker being within the work environment and therefore the burden is on the employer or insurer to point out that the disease happened from another cause. Diseases compensated by national workers compensation authorities are often termed occupational diseases. However, many countries don't offer compensations surely diseases like musculoskeletal disorders caused by work (e.g. in Norway). Therefore, the term work-related diseases is employed to explain diseases of occupational origin. This term however would then include both compensable and non-compensable diseases that have occupational origins.  

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