Articles On High Blood Pressure
High blood pressure also known as
hypertension occurs when your blood pressure increases simultaneously to unhealthy levels. Your pressure measuring takes under consideration what proportion blood is passing through your blood vessels and also the quantity of resistance the blood meets whereas the center is pumping.
Narrow arteries increase resistance. The narrower your arteries square measure, the upper your pressure are. Over the long run, raised pressure will cause
health problems, as well as
cardiovascular disease.
Hypertension is a silent condition. Many people won’t exhibit any symptoms.
Symptoms of severe
hypertension such as Headaches, shortness of breath, nosebleeds, flushing, dizziness, chest pain, visual changes, blood in urine
Some of the medications used to treat
hypertension such as Beta – blockers, Diurerics, ACE inhibitors, Angeotensin II receptor blockers, Calcium channel blockers, Alpha-2 agonists.
Common factors that can lead to high blood pressure include: A diet high in salt, fat, and/or cholesterol. Chronic conditions such as kidney and
hormone problems, diabetes, and high cholesterol. Family history, especially if your parents or other close relatives have high blood pressure.
To lower your blood pressure levels:
Increase activity and exercise more. ... Lose weight if you're overweight. ... Cut back on sugar and refined carbohydrates. ... Eat more potassium and less sodium. ... Eat less processed food. ... Stop smoking. ...
Reduce excess stress. .
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