Scholarly Open Access Mining Journals

This journal publishes original and innovative research papers and high-quality reviews covering the latest advances on theories, methodologies and applications in the fields of mining sciences and technologies. It also provides an international exchange forum for the readers and authors all over the world engaging in mining sciences and technologies. Papers to be published will be peer-reviewed and rigorously edited by specialists and authorities. The entire process from submission, review, to publication online is handled electronicallyMining is the extraction of valuable minerals or geological materials. Mining is done using two excavation types: Surface mining and sub-floor mining. After excavation, the mineral is processed using strategies like Extractive metallurgy and Mineral processing. There are many environmental troubles like erosion, lack of biodiversity and floor water infection by chemical compounds from mining processes. Many businesses at the moment are enforced to follow right environmental standards. Scholarly magazine is a peer-reviewed magazine wherein scholarship relating to a specific academic subject is published. Scholarly journals serve as boards for the advent and presentation for scrutiny of new research, and the critique of existing research. Content normally takes the form of articles imparting original research, assessment articles, and e-book reviews. The term Scholarly journal applies to scholarly guides in all fields; this text discusses the aspects commonplace to all academic subject journals.    

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