Scholarly Journals In Sensitive Biomarker

 The term “biomarker”, a portmanteau of “biological marker”, refers to a broad subcategory of medical signs – that's, objective indications of medical state ascertained from outside the patient – which might be measured accurately and reproducibly. Medical signs change distinction to medical symptoms, that area unit restricted to those indications of health or health problem perceived by patients themselves. There area unit many additional precise definitions of biomarkers within the literature, and that they luckily overlap significantly. In 1998, the National Institutes of Health Biomarkers Definitions social unit outlined a biomarker as “a characteristic that's objectively measured associate degreed evaluated as an indicator of traditional biological processes, morbific processes, or pharmacological responses to a therapeutic intervention.”  A venture on chemical safety, the International Programme on Chemical Safety, light-emitting diode by the planet Health Organization (WHO) and in coordination with the world organisation and therefore the International Labor Organization, has outlined a biomarker as “any substance, structure, or method that may be measured within the body or its product and influence or predict the incidence of outcome or disease” ]. a fair broader definition takes under consideration not simply incidence and outcome of illness, however conjointly the results of treatments, interventions, and even accidental environmental exposure, like to chemicals or nutrients. In their report on the validity of biomarkers in setting risk assessment, the WHO has expressed that a real definition of biomarkers includes “almost associate degreey mensuration reflective an interaction between a biological system and a possible hazard, which can be chemical, physical, or biological. The measured response could also be useful and physiological, organic chemistry at the cellular level, or a molecular interaction. samples of biomarkers embody everything from pulse and force per unit area through basic chemistries to additional complicated laboratory tests of blood and alternative tissues.      

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