Radiology Innovation Articles

Radiology is a medical field that works through imaging to analyze and treat the disease we present in the body. To diagnose or treat disease, radiologists use a range of imaging techniques, such as X-ray radiography, ultrasound, computed tomography (CT), nuclear medicine, positron emission tomography (PET), and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Interventional radiology is usually a minimally invasive medical procedure guided by imaging technologies. Innovation is a new idea, device, or process. Innovation is the use of better solutions to meet new needs, non-compliant needs or established market needs. Innovation is something original and new, as important, new that “invades” the market or society. This article offers a unique forum devoted to scientists on a variety of Radiology innovation studies to communicate their research papers, review posts, case reports, and brief correspondence. All such journal articles become part of the permanent scientific record.      

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