Proteomics Studies

Proteomics is a influential science aimed at researching the whole proteome or the amount of all the proteins from an individual, tissue, cell or biofluid, or a subfraction thereof, resulting in an information-rich environment of expressed proteins and their regulation under different conditions. Most proteomic studies and activities to date have centered primarily on the fields of cancer research, the development of drugs and drug targets and biomarker analysis. Proteomics is an study of a cell , tissue, or organism 's entire protein complement under a particular, specified range of conditions. It is dependent upon decades of technological and instrumental developments in its present state. Proteomics is a key tool for understanding molecular processes underlying normal and disease phenotypes and recognizing important diagnostic and prognostic biomarkers in current postgenomic, systems biology approaches. Proteomics aims to do more than only classify proteins potentially present in a sample, but also to determine the localization, abundance of proteins and molecular interactions. Proteomics has grown as a discipline at the interface of physical and biochemistry, computer science, and bioinformatics, with a focus on high throughput and a reduced user bias. 

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