Medical Biotechnology,Genetic Biology,biotechnology & Genetics,Molecular ,therapeutic,Biotechnology Pasture, Genetic Engineering,DNA Molecules,technologies,biomedicine

Medical Biotechnology: Review of Molecular and Genetic Biology is a Scientific Biotechnology free access publication. This is a peer reviewed publication for Public Access that addresses a broad variety of current and evolving Clinical Biotechnology and Genetics goods, methods , and technologies. It offers an authoritative international platform and refereed source of factual knowledge in the area of medical biotechnology & genetics. Journal of Molecular and Genetic Medicine seeks to convey the improved therapeutic gains for human well-being from the study and translational work carried out using molecular instruments.Medicine is so much in the diagnosis and treatment of dissimilar diseases through the biotechnology techniques. It also offers the community the ability to protect themselves from harmful illnesses. Biotechnology pasture, genetic engineering, has introduced techniques such as gene therapy technology and chain retorting of polymerase that use genes and DNA molecules to diagnose diseases and put new and strong genes in the body that restore the injured cells. There are some biotechnology technologies that live their part in medicine's turf and give good results. Biotechnology in disease diagnostics and treatment including rare genetic diseases Biotechnology to develop vaccines Biomarkers and Bioanalytics Biotechnology in forensics Computational modeling & integration of the data New biomedicine innovations Biomedical text, data mining, ontology Bioethanol Abuse

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