Management Impact Factor

 Larger organizations typically have 3 levels of managers,[2] that area unit usually organized[by whom?] in a very graded, pyramid structure: •           Senior managers, like members of a board of administrators and a chief officer (CEO) or a president of a company. They set the strategic goals of the organization and build choices on however the organization can operate. Senior managers area unit typically executive-level professionals, and supply direction to middle management, World Health Organization directly or indirectly report back to them. •           Middle managers - samples of these would come with branch managers, regional managers, department managers and section managers, World Health Organization give direction to front-line managers. Middle managers communicate the strategic goals of senior management to the front-line managers. •           Lower managers, like supervisors and front-line team leaders, superintend the work of normal staff (or volunteers, in some voluntary organizations) and supply direction on their work. In smaller organizations, a personal manager could have a way wider scope. one manager could perform many roles or maybe all of the roles unremarkably determined in a very massive organization.