Indexed Journals In Endocrinology

 An endocrinologist is a doctor that treats diseases related to problems with hormones. A hormone is a chemical messenger that travels from one cell to another. Hormones are released in one a part of the body, travel within the blood stream and have an impact on other a part of the body. This helps different parts of the human body to communicate with each other. Hormones are secreted by endocrine glands, such as the pituitary, thyroid or adrenal glands. Not all glands are classified as endocrine glands; for example, sweat glands or lymph glands are not endocrine glands. Hormones are found altogether organisms with quite one cell, then they're found in plants and animals. They influence or control a good range of physiological activities, like growth, development, puberty, level of alertness, sugar regulation and appetite, bone growth, etc. You also find that problems with hormones and therefore the way they work contribute to a number of the main diseases of mankind; for instance , diabetes, thyroid conditions, pituitary conditions, some sexual problems, some neurological problems, appetite and obesity, bone problems, cancer, etc. There are whole sub-specialities dedicated to specific areas where hormones work. For example: 1. Paediatric endocrinology, looking at hormones in children. 2. Thyroid endocrinology, looking at how the thyroid affects metabolism 3. Endocrine-disrupting chemicals, where chemicals which mimic the effects of hormones are present in the environment 4. Comparative endocrinology, which looks at the way similar hormones work in different species (e.g. from insects, through to fish, birds, mammals, etc). Sometimes there are specific societies dedicated to the study of those subspecialities.  

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