High Impact Journals In Pediatric Disorders

If your child suffers from allergies or other problems together with his system , a pediatric allergist/immunologist has special skills to treat your child.Your child’s system fights infections. If your child has allergies, her immune system wrongly reacts to things that are usually harmless. Pet dander, pollen, dust, mold spores, insect stings, food, and medications are samples of such things. This reaction may cause her body to respond with health problems such as asthma, hay fever, hives, eczema (a rash), or a very severe and unusual reaction called anaphylaxis.Sometimes, if your child’s system isn't working right, he may suffer from frequent, severe, and/or uncommon infections. Examples of such infections are sinusitis (inflammation of one or more of the sinuses), pneumonia (infection of the lung), thrush (a fungus infection in the mouth), and abscesses (collections of pus surrounded by inflamed tissue) that keep coming back.A pediatric allergist/immunologist finds and treats these allergies and immune system problems.Allergies are physiological reactions caused when the immune system reacts to a selected foreign substance (allergen) that has been inhaled, touched or eaten by an individual .Normally, the physical body defends itself against harmful substances, like viruses or bacteria, but, sometimes, the defenses aggressively attack usually innocuous substances such as dust, mold or pollen.The immune system generates large amounts of the antibodies called immunoglobin E (IgE), to attack and destroy the supposed enemy. Each IgE antibody specifically targets a particular allergen — the substance that triggers symptoms could also be experienced by an allergy-prone child.