Chronic Mountain Sickness

 Chronic altitude sickness (CMS) could be a sickness within which the proportion of blood volume that's occupied by red blood cells will increase (polycythaemia) associated there's an abnormally low level of gas within the blood (hypoxemia). CMS generally develops once extended time living at high altitude (over a pair of,500 metres (8,200 ft)). it's commonest amongst native populations of high altitude nations. the foremost frequent symptoms of CMS square measure headache, dizziness, tinnitus, shortness of breath, palpitations, sleep disturbance, fatigue, loss of craving, confusion, cyanosis, and dilation of veins.CMS was 1st delineate in 1925 by Taurus Monge Medrano, a Peruvian doctor UN agency specialised in diseases of high altitude. whereas acute altitude sickness is tough shortly once ascent to high altitude, chronic altitude sickness might develop solely once a few years of living at high altitude. In drugs, high altitude is outlined as over a pair of,500 metres (8,200 ft), however most cases of CMS occur at over three,000 metres (9,800 ft).CMS is characterized by polycythaemia (with succeeding accrued haematocrit) and hypoxaemia; raised vital sign within the lungs (pulmonary hypertension) will develop over time and in some cases reach failure (cor pulmonale). CMS is believed to arise thanks to associate excessive production of red blood cells (erythrocytes) because of the low gas levels at altitude, that will increase the gas carrying capability of the blood. The accrued levels of erythrocytes causes accrued blood consistence and uneven blood flow through the lungs (V/Q mismatch). However, CMS is additionally thought-about associate adaptation of respiratory organ and heart condition to life beneath chronic drive at altitude.Consensus for clinical identification of CMS use laboratory values: hemoglobin in Males ≥ twenty one g/dL; Females ≥ nineteen g/dL, haematocrit > sixty fifth, and blood vessel gas saturation (SaO2) < eighty fifth in each genders  

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