Child And Adolescent Psychiatry

 Child and adolescent psychiatry is a branch of psychiatry which focuses on the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of mental disorders in children, adolescents, and their families as well. It investigates the biopsychosocial factors that influence the development and course of these psychiatric disorders and treatment responses to varied interventions. psychological state is an essential part of a child’s overall health. It’s a really complex interactive relationship with physical health and the environment. The psychiatric assessment of a child or adolescent starts with obtaining a psychiatric history by interviewing the young person and his/her parents or caregivers. The assessment includes an in depth exploration of the present concerns about the child's emotional or behavioral problems, the child's physical health and development, history of parental care, family relationships and history of parental mental illness. it's considered desirable to get information from multiple sources as informants may give widely differing accounts of the child's problems. Collateral information is typically obtained from the child's school with regards to academic performance, peer relationships, and behavior within the school environment. Some research suggests that children and adolescents are sometimes given antipsychotic drugs as a first-line treatment for psychological state problems or behavioral issues aside from a psychotic disorder, which isn't the perfect treatment approach for these drugs.  

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