Asthma And Sleep Online Journals

 Asthma, known medically as reactive airway disease, may be a chronic lung condition that affects about 20 million Americans, consistent with the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) at the National Institutes of Health. Symptoms of asthma occur when the airway becomes inflamed and constricts to form breathing difficult. What causes asthma or why incidences of asthma are on the increase isn't known, but some have suggested that it might be the results of environmental factors like a rise in exposure to pollution or indoor allergens. Its increase can also be associated with the rise in obesity that's simultaneously occurring. Many researchers are trying to find a genetic factor for asthma supported the very fact that an individual features a higher risk of developing asthma if a member of his or her family has it. Whatever causes asthma, it's a significant and sometimes fatal condition that has got to be carefully managed.People with asthma often suffer from nighttime coughing, wheezing and breathlessness that disturb their sleep. it's not clear whether there's a biological time factor (a biological time may be a rhythm of biological functions occurring during a 24-hour periodic cycle) liable for these nighttime disturbances or whether sleep in how contributes to them, but studies designed to uncover the precise influence of sleep or circadian rhythms on asthma are largely inconclusive.  

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