Arterial Disease Impact Factor

Peripheral artery disease may be a narrowing of the peripheral arteries serving the legs, stomach, arms and head. (“Peripheral” in this case means away from the heart, in the outer regions of the body.) PAD most commonly affects arteries in the legs.Both PAD and coronary artery disease (CAD) are caused by atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis narrows and blocks arteries in critical regions of the body. The symptoms of PAD involving the lower extremities are cramping, pain or tiredness within the leg or hip muscles while moving or climbing stairs. Typically, this pain goes away with rest and returns once you walk again. Be aware that: • many of us mistake the symptoms of PAD for something else. • PAD often goes undiagnosed by healthcare professionals. • People with peripheral arterial disease have a better risk of arteria coronaria disease, attack or stroke. • Left untreated, PAD can cause gangrene and amputation. Other factors can increase your chances for PAD including: • Your risk for PAD increases with age. • High vital sign or high cholesterol puts you in danger for PAD. • If you smoke, you've got an especially high risk for PAD. • If you've got diabetes, you've got an especially high risk for PAD

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