Systems Biology Journals

 Systems biology is more and more standard, however to several biologists it remains unclear what this new discipline really encompasses. This transient personal perspective starts by outlining the asthetic qualities that inspire systems biologists, discusses that activities don't belong to the core of systems biology, and eventually explores the crucial link with artificial biology. The application of metabolomics as an important method for studying modern life sciences is closely related to the latest developments in science and technology. Metabolomics, as an important part of systems biology, mainly analyzes substances such as blood, urine, and feces, and then studies small molecule metabolites of various metabolic pathway matrices and products. Techniques involved in metabolomics methods include nuclear magnetic resonance, mass spectrometry, and chromatography. It concludes by trying to outline systems biology because the analysis endeavor that aims at providing the scientific foundation for in artificial biology. Systems biology doesn't essentially involve massive numbers of elements or large datasets, as in genetics or connectomics, however usually needs quantitative modeling strategies borrowed from physics.  

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