Oceanography Top Open Access Journals
Oceanography meant as uptight with all facets of the world’s oceans and seas, encompass their physical and chemical properties, their origin and geologic framework, and therefore the life forms that inhabit the marine environment. It has been comprised into four different forms but related branches includes physical oceanography, chemical oceanography, marine geology, and marine ecology. Physical
oceanography deals with the properties of seawater (temperature, density, pressure, then on), its movement (waves, currents, and tides), and therefore the refore the interactions between the ocean waters and the atmosphere. Chemical oceanography has got to do with the composition of seawater and therefore the biogeochemical cycles that affect it. Marine
geology spotlights on the design, features, and progression of the ocean basins. Marine ecology, also termed as biological oceanography, associated with the examination of the plants and animals of the ocean, introducing life cycles and food production.
Oceanography is the sum of these several branches. Greater knowledge of the world’s oceans enables scientists to more accurately predict, for instance, long-term weather and
climatic changes and also results in more efficient exploitation of the Earth’s resources.
Oceanography also is vital to understanding the effect of pollutants on ocean waters and to the preservation of the quality of the oceans’ waters in the face of increasing human demands made on them.
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