Natural Disasters Journals

 Journal of Geography and Natural Disasters reports papers on Risk Evaluation, Emergency Management, Journal of Accidents, Environmental Destruction, Spatial Information System, Geological Resources, Natural Hazards, Physical Resources, Geography of Volcanic Activity and Natural Disasters. Geography (Greek word geographic, description of the earth) is the study of earth and its features of land and water, its inhabitants and its phenomena. Geography was called the "discipline of the world" Geography is divided into two major branches — Human and Physical Geography. A Natural Disaster can be described as the impact of natural disasters resulting in human, environmental or financial damage. The World phenomena contributing to harmful consequences are The Disasters. Environmental Disasters include hurricanes, volcanoes, flooding, waves, among other natural phenomena. Disaster will result in adverse effects on an area of vulnerable population. Natural disaster can cause property loss of life, or damage. Sudden release of energy in the surface of the Earth that can produce seismic waves resulted in earthquake. Water flood overflowing dryland is called Flood. The Earth's dangerous rotating column which is in contact with the earth 's cloud and surface is tornodo. Most natural disasters are meteorological disasters and minor disasters are events of geophysical nature. Open Access papers are the main source of information for young and ambitious individuals eager to follow a scientific profession. This program gives quick access to the science journal networks.  

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