Metal Toxicity:

 Metal toxicity or metal poisoning is that the toxic effect of certain metals in certain forms and doses on life. Some metals are toxic once they form poisonous soluble compounds. Certain metals haven't any biological role, i.e. aren't essential minerals, or are toxic when during a certain form.In the case of lead, any measurable amount may have negative health effects. Often heavy metals are thought as synonymous, but lighter metals can also be toxic in certain circumstances, like beryllium and lithium. Not all heavy metals are particularly toxic, and a few are essential, like iron. The definition can also include trace elements when in abnormally high doses could also be toxic. An option for treatment of metal poisoning could also be chelation therapy, which may be a technique which involves the administration of chelation agents to get rid of metals from the body. Toxic metals sometimes imitate the action of an important element within the body, interfering with the metabolism leading to illness. Numerous metals, especially overwhelming metals are harmful, however some substantial metals are fundamental, and a few, similar to bismuth, have an espresso harmfulness. Most frequently the definition of toxic metals includes a minimum of thallium, cadmium, manganese, lead, mercury and therefore the radioactive metals. Metalloids (arsenic, polonium) could also be included within the definition. Radioactive metals have both radiological toxicity and chemical toxicity. Metals in an oxidation number abnormal to the body can also become toxic: chromium(III) is an important chemical element , but chromium(VI) may be a carcinogen.

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