Insulin Resistance Top Journals

A journal is a regular publication intended to advance science further, typically by reporting on new work. While some of the oldest journals publish articles, reviews, editorials, brief correspondence, letters, and research papers in a broad variety of scientific fields, most journals are highly specialized. Journals contain articles reviewed by peers in an attempt to ensure that articles meet the quality and scientific validity standards of the journal. Every such paper in the journal is a part of the permanent scientific record. Insulin is the hormone that unlocks the body's cells so that they facilitate the sugar from the food to be used as energy from the blood to there. Insulin resistance occurs when the body provides insulin that is not sufficient to convert the body's glucose, resulting in high blood sugar remaining unconverted in the body. There are different drugs to treat this condition, some linked to making the insulin better absorb the sugar, some working to generate more insulin for the same purpose for the body.

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