Freshwater-ecosystems-Impact Factor
Freshwater ecosystems include lakes, ponds, rivers, streams, springs, and wetlands. You will find them in many different sizes, from very small to very large. The water within the
ecosystem can be still (not moving), like in a pond, or it can be running (moving), like a river or stream. Freshwater ecosystems are broken into three zones: littoral, open water and deep water - we'll talk more about these below. The plants and animals within the
ecosystem interact with light, food, oxygen, weather, and
climate in different ways. Impact Factors are wont to measure the importance of a journal by calculating the amount of times selected
articles are cited within the previous couple of years.
High Impact List of Articles
Large defect on lung scintigraphy mimicking pulmonary embolism
Aparna Komarraju, Tracy L Yarbrough, Jorge Brito & Twyla Bartel*
Clinical images: Imaging in Medicine
Large defect on lung scintigraphy mimicking pulmonary embolism
Aparna Komarraju, Tracy L Yarbrough, Jorge Brito & Twyla Bartel*
Clinical images: Imaging in Medicine
Optic nerve transection after blunt facial
L Turco* & B Phillips
Clinical images: Imaging in Medicine
Optic nerve transection after blunt facial
L Turco* & B Phillips
Clinical images: Imaging in Medicine
Localization of recurrent phosphaturic mesenchymal tumor in a child using 18FDG-PET/CT and 111In-Octreoscan
Mudge CS, Mack JW & Voss SD
Case Report: Imaging in Medicine
Localization of recurrent phosphaturic mesenchymal tumor in a child using 18FDG-PET/CT and 111In-Octreoscan
Mudge CS, Mack JW & Voss SD
Case Report: Imaging in Medicine
Measuring patient satisfaction with the CT consent process: the COMRADE outcome measure
P Rogers, S Lloyd, D Shetty, P Newell
& D Gay
Special Report: Imaging in Medicine
Measuring patient satisfaction with the CT consent process: the COMRADE outcome measure
P Rogers, S Lloyd, D Shetty, P Newell
& D Gay
Special Report: Imaging in Medicine
Highlights from the latest articles in cancer
AS Arbab
Review Article: Imaging in Medicine
Highlights from the latest articles in cancer
AS Arbab
Review Article: Imaging in Medicine
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