Fractured Carbonate Reservoirs
Fractured carbonate reservoirs square measure liable to premature water cut production at the first stage of recovery. Conventionally completed long horizontal wells, affected by high water traverse fracture networks, would like reliable and cost-efficient treatment solutions to regulate water entry, while not damaging oil-saturated segments. Protection of oil flow channels from compound gel invasion can be a challenge in advanced broken reservoirs thanks to the enormity of the amount of zones which will need injury protection. during this work, a chemical package system is developed, comprising 3 totally different chemical solutions. the primary fluid is meant to shield the low-permeable oil-saturated zones by making associate degree imperviable barrier whereas keeping the water semiconductive
fractures open, followed by a gelant, designed to invade, solidify, and seal off the water semiconductive fractures. The third treatment is meant for an entire dissolution of the protecting barrier created by the primary fluid. The effectiveness of this method is evaluated through a group of 4 core flood studies at reservoir conditions. it had been ascertained that whereas the effective brine porousness can be reduced by 74–91%, oil effective porousness is reduced by 12–17% betting on the fracture aperture. The paper conjointly discusses the key parameters to be self-addressed for sure-fire field implementation of this technology.
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