Decolourization Process

 Decolorization refers to the process of removing brightly colored organic impurities from the sample mixture. The procedure is usually carried out in the solution phase after the solid product and impurities are dissolved in a suitable solvent. The removal of color from something; bleaching. Welcome to Microbugz - Gram Stain. The Gram's method is that the most vital staining procedure in microbiology. It is wont to differentiate between gram positive organisms and gram negative organisms. Hence, it is a differential stain. Decolorization improved with aeration despite the reduction in total organic carbon (TOC) removal, indicating that the decolorization process was independent of the methanogenic activity as long as the redox potential remained low. Discoloration and surface roughness are the characteristic degradation features of UV exposure of NFPC. In one among the studies by Sharma et al. (2006), surfaces of coir/PP laminates showed a slight change in surface roughness after 10h of UV exposure; however, with increased exposure time of 20h, the surfaces started to turn white and after 200h of exposure, the surfaces became very rough and chalky with clearly visible fibers. Stark (2005) studied the colour change in injection molded and extruded wood flour/HDPE composites under UV exposure and UV exposure with water spray.

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