Chronic Pain Treatment Open Access Journals

 Chronic diseases such as diabetes, cancer and heart disease are the leading causes of death and disorder in the United States. They are also leading pilot of the nation’s $3.5 trillion in annual health care costs. Chronic diseases tend to become further ordinary common with age. The leading chronic diseases in developed countries included (in alphabetical order) arthritis, disorder like heart attacks and heart stroke, cancer like carcinoma and carcinoma , obesity, epilepsy and seizures, diabetes and oral health problems. While risk factors vary with age and gender, most of the common chronic diseases within the US are caused by dietary, lifestyle and metabolic risk factors that also are responsible for the resulting mortality. Therefore, these conditions could be prevented by behavioral changes, like quitting smoking, adopting a healthy diet, and increasing physical activity. Social factors, e.g., socioeconomic status, education level, and race/ethnicity, are a serious cause for the disparities observed within the care of chronic disease. Lack of access and delay in receiving care end in worse outcomes for patients from minorities and underserved populations. Those barriers to medical aid complicate patients monitoring and continuity in treatment. In the US, Minorities and low-income populations are less likely to access and receive preventive services necessary to detect conditions at an early stage. The majority folks health care and economic costs related to medical conditions are for the prices of chronic diseases and conditions and associated health risk behaviors. Eighty-four percent of all health care spending in 2006 was for the five hundred of the population who have one or more chronic medical conditions (CDC, 2014).

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