Water Quality- Impact Factor
Water quality refers to the chemical, physical, biological, and radiological characteristics of water. It is a measure of the condition of water relative to the requirements of one or more biotic species, or to any human need or purpose. It is most frequently used by reference to a set of standards against which compliance, generally achieved through treatment of the water, can be assessed. The most common standards used to assess water quality relate to
health of ecosystems, safety of human contact, and drinking water.
In the setting of standards, agencies make political and technical/scientific decisions about how the water will be used. In the case of natural water bodies, they also make some reasonable estimate of pristine conditions. Natural water bodies will vary in response to
environmental conditions.
Environmental scientists work to understand how these systems function, which in turn helps to identify the sources and fates of contaminants.
Environmental lawyers and policymakers work to define legislation with the intention that water is maintained at an appropriate quality for its identified use. Water quality testing is an important part of
environmental monitoring. When water quality is poor, it affects not only aquatic life but the surrounding
ecosystem as well. These sections detail all of the parameters that affect the quality of water in the environment.
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