Pollution prevention, minimization, and mitigation measures are incorporated by Mississippi Power and NACC as a part of the conceptual designs of the proposed project facilities. For instance, regulated air pollutant emissions would be reduced through the utilization of advanced technologies and emission controls. Additionally, the IGCC power station would be designed to capture approximately 67 percent of the CO2 that might have otherwise been emitted. Power station facilities would be located to avoid impacts to wetlands to the extent practicable. Similarly, the
mining plan would avoid a number of the foremost sensitive areas, and linear facility corridors were selected giving consideration to avoiding environmentally sensitive areas. Unavoidable impacts to wetlands would require compensatory mitigation. Additional measures would be incorporated at subsequent stages of design and engineering. For instance, exact placements of pipeline trenches and cable structures would be adjusted where practicable to avoid impacts to wetlands or other sensitive areas. The proposed IGCC power station would scale back SO2, NOx, mercury, and particulate emissions by removing constituents from the syngas. The removal of nearly one hundred pc of the fuel-bound nitrogen from the syngas before combustion within the turbine would end in appreciably lower NOx emissions compared to existing, conventional coal-fired power plants. The project is predicted to get rid of quite 99 percent of the sulfur and quite 92 percent of the mercury. quite 99.9 percent of particulate emissions would be removed using hightemperature, high-pressure filtration (rigid, barrier-type filter elements).
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