Perinatal-medicine Scientific Journals

 A subspecialty of obstetrics involved with care of the mother and fetus during pregnancy, labor, and delivery, mainly whilst one or each is at high hazard of complications. Synonym(s): perinatal medicine. Pre-Pregnancy and prenatal care can help save you complications and inform women approximately critical steps they are able to take to guard their infant and make sure a wholesome pregnancy. With normal prenatal care ladies can: Reduce the risk of being pregnant complications. The Journal of Perinatal Medicine (JPM) is a virtually global forum overlaying the complete area of perinatal medicine. It is an important information supply for all those obstetricians, neonatologists, perinatologists and allied fitness experts who desire to hold abreast of development in perinatal and related research. Ahead-of-print publishing ensures fastest viable expertise transfer. The Journal provides statements on issues of topical interest as well as records and unique perspectives on arguable topics. It also informs approximately the academic, organisational and political objectives and targets of the World Association of Perinatal Medicine. The journal covers the complete field of perinatal medicine, obstetrics and neonatology.  

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