Clinical Practice Journal
Clinical practice guidelines are systematically developed statements to help practitioner and patient decisions about appropriate
health look after specific clinical circumstances.
These guidelines don't seem to be fixed protocols that has to be followed, but are intended for
health care professionals and providers to think about. While they identify and describe generally recommended courses of intervention, they're not presented as a substitute for the recommendation of a physician or other knowledgeable
health care professional or provider.
Journal of Clinical Practice is a world
open access journal aims to circulate unique
articles that address the worldwide worldwide dissemination of original and novel field of study supported the varied aspects of the sensible approaches to disease management. These
articles undergo processing for publication through a peer – review process by our highly qualified experts involved in diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic diseases. It furnishes clinicians with the foremost recent discoveries and feelings on the perfect advancements to test the regularly growing research. the most objective of the Journal is to achieve the readers across the planet with none limitations.
Journal strives to release its issues and is adamant to publish within the broad range of topics including translational science research, genetics, immunology, nutrition, psychosocial research,
epidemiology and multidisciplinary team approaches towards imparting quality healthcare services. you'll contribute write-ups like Research, Case reports, Review, Perspective, Opinions, etc
High Impact List of Articles
A case of left mammary fibroadenoma successfully cured by homoeopathic therapy.
Sathish Kumar & Chandraja CV
Case Report: Research on Chronic Diseases
A case of left mammary fibroadenoma successfully cured by homoeopathic therapy.
Sathish Kumar & Chandraja CV
Case Report: Research on Chronic Diseases
Role of PAX1 gene in the occurrence of human neural tube defects: a study in North Indian population
Roumi Deb1, Jyoti Arora, Ratika Samtani, Saraswathy KN and Kalla KA
Short Communication: Research on Chronic Diseases
Role of PAX1 gene in the occurrence of human neural tube defects: a study in North Indian population
Roumi Deb1, Jyoti Arora, Ratika Samtani, Saraswathy KN and Kalla KA
Short Communication: Research on Chronic Diseases
Onset patterns of chronic fatigue syndrome and myalgic encephalomyelitis
Meredyth Anne Evans, Leonard A. Jason*
Research Article: Research on Chronic Diseases
Onset patterns of chronic fatigue syndrome and myalgic encephalomyelitis
Meredyth Anne Evans, Leonard A. Jason*
Research Article: Research on Chronic Diseases
Rehabilitation of a challenging “turn-upplasty†amputee for liposarcoma of the femur: a case report
Ference T, Lehtonen E & Arenas A
Case Report: Research on Chronic Diseases
Rehabilitation of a challenging “turn-upplasty†amputee for liposarcoma of the femur: a case report
Ference T, Lehtonen E & Arenas A
Case Report: Research on Chronic Diseases
Dysphonia as the initial presenting symptom in post-polio syndrome: a case report
Tamar Ference & Joshua Cutler
Case Report: Research on Chronic Diseases
Dysphonia as the initial presenting symptom in post-polio syndrome: a case report
Tamar Ference & Joshua Cutler
Case Report: Research on Chronic Diseases
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