
 This study examined the drivers of global climate change innovations and therefore the eects of those innovations on firm outcomes during a sample of 203 firms within the South Australian wine cluster. The results of structural equation modeling analysis suggest that knowledge exchanges (KEs) and absorptive capacity features a direct effect stimulates global climate change innovations, between firms within the cluster. They directly affect the global climate change innovations by KEs between firms within the cluster successively. The study further finds that global climate change innovations are related to firm performance (FP) and reductions in greenhouse gases (GHGs): mitigative innovations cause greater GHG reduffctions while adaptive innovations impact on FP. Contributions of the findings are discussed, as are future research directions. Solar panels are traditionally installed on rooftops or in large fields to gather sunlight without obstruction. Barring a radical reduction of worldwide greenhouse emission emissions, researchers at Harvard are proposing to send sun-blocking particles into the air to chill the earth and debar the worst consequences of climate change. An intentional strategy to dam the sun, he said, could help to shop for some longer for countries to scale back their emissions — the sole realistic thanks to avert global climate change.  

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