Short Article - Journal of Pediatric Neurological Disorders (2018) Volume 1, Issue 2

To those who desire to acquire new Neuro-Psychotherapeutic Tools

Naisberg Yakov

National Israeli Center for Psychosocial Support of Survivors of the Holocaust and the Second Generation, Israel


I am very grateful for your invitation to the conference. I understand your desire to convey to the participants the subject that I have invested in for many years in practice only. Hence, I am a neurologist and psychiatrist who has worked in both professions for over 50 years. 25 years of them when I realized that one brain treated by two different disciplines missed the central principle that the therapeutic man must see the unified mind, the integrated and indivisible MIND of the brain’s material. I worked and did research myself. Because I realized what worked and what did not.I participated in various conferences and published and explained them method behind my practice. And what I learned. That nothing came of my participation in conferences that I had performances of the material and participants had no constructive reference. And then I realized another lesson, that in order to truly contribute to the participants to enjoy my innovative method, I had prepared a full workshop. So, this time I made an innovative workshop that I would like to bring to you. Here is a brief explanation. If your decision is positive, I will print the entire material of the workshop containing around 54 pages or at a computer diskette to be delivered to the workshop participants

The workshop is to practice of getting tools, so that professionals will add strategies, tooling techniques and skills adjust their patients for adaptability to a method that works well and without drugs. Innovative Workshop: Macro neurophysiological biophysical psychotherapy using rhythmic placebo effects leading to body tranquility generating pleasant emotions with sensations of cognitive well-being. This workshop establishes a set of neuro-psychotherapeutic strategies, tools and techniques to modulate ‘here and now’ positive dynamics with subjects in varieties of groups which improve neuro-psychotherapeutic efficiency to achieve immediate results in the first session. This method has been in operation for 25 years and it helps to expand the toolbox in practical application through external or internal biophysical information (actively retrieved from memory storages from previous scenarios - medium) to feed ready placebo effect within the human organism. The placebo effect can be seen by EEG visible biophysical waves produced by cerebral neuronal cells in alpha-rate activity due to stress-free information.

From a scientific point of view, this is the cornerstone that connects the inseparable functions of the body, brain and biophysical mind according to the theory behind it. In fact, it recruits the biophysical neurophysiological mechanism in order to activate body operational range (BOR), which achieves body tranquility that sends bio-physical signals to the rewarding limbic region to release pleasant emotions, which provide a sense of wellbeing in cognitive assessment. At the end of this shortened process a person is satisfied with her or his first treatmen.t

In this method, the focus is directed to induce immediate stimulation in order to achieve a weakening of an automatic neuronal loop operation (ANLO). This improves the individual’s excessive sensitivity and produces positive internal feelings, thereby gradually reducing the negative hypersensitivity in her or his transient homeostatic deregulated (THD) relapse with morbid signs and symptoms. As can be seen, at the end of 8 workshop sessions, each two-hour training session with a short break of 10 minutes for rest, participants may reach its practical experience of achieving body operational ranges (BOR) within the transient homeostatic resynchronizing (THR) recovery. The latter must be sustained by self-monitoring BOR with acquired strategies, tools, techniques and skills achieved through this innovative workshop. This workshop is intended for all psychotherapists, nurses and physiotherapists who wish to receive an addition to the expansion of their ‘toolbox’, which improves and enriches their ability to function with less personal doubts and doubts among themselves despite the many years of experience gained by their practical work.

This workshop helps with serious dilemmas related to somatic problems, situations of great restlessness, panic and situations of indifference combined with lying in bed for many hours with exhaustion and fatigue. This method without difficulties also deals with those who also suffer from constant pain. And with patients who are preoccupied with excessive concerns and preoccupied with the fears of losing or gaining weight. This method emphasizes the central point of intervention in neuro-psychotherapy based on the macro neurophysiological biophysical mechanisms that voluntarily regulate the activity of the BOR and emphasizes the principles that reinforce the patient’s desire to perform them properly. The tools acquired will help from the first encounter in developing and creating skills, in strategies that help to provide each session with training to weaken the strength of the automatic neuronal loop operation (ANLO) and to gain skills how to help patients driving their own body operational ranges (BOR) into the transient homeostatic resynchronizing (THR) recovery.

Without a workshop my goal would not be achieved. My desire is to contribute my part in the consolidation of all mental and neurological diseases existing in the human brain, and to be addressed by a macrobiophysical neurophysiological mechanism that will combine strategies, tools, techniques and skills and provide placebo effects for a proactive role of the patient. It is design to bring patients’ body, brain and the biophysical mind into an initial equilibrium that must be maintained consciously and practically by the neuro-psychotherapist under continuous consultation until the emergence of the biophysical analytical instrument that can measure the balance strengths and provide compelling health data. This workshop establishes a set of neuropsychotherapeutic strategies, tools and techniques to modulate ‘here and now’ positive dynamics with subjects in varieties of groups which improve neuro-psychotherapeutic efficiency to achieve immediate results in the first session. This method has been in operation for 25 years and it helps to expand the toolbox in practical application through external or internal biophysical information (actively retrieved from memory storages from previous scenarios - medium) to feed ready placebo effect within the human organism, how and technologies to boost safety and cure and related innovations. Attending a regional dementia conference gives you the possibility of paying attention to different viewing variables and exploring new concepts and improvements in your work. Moreover, they give you a brand new strategy, different kinds of structures, actualities and researchers you may not have heard of now.