Editorial - Journal of Agriculture (2021) Volume 4, Issue 2

Plant Hindrances and Outcomes

 Christopher R Bryant, Professor of University of Montreal & University of Guelph, Canada with 50 years of research experience in peri-urban agriculture (France, Canada and other countries) and 26 years research experience in adaptation of agriculture to climate change and variability as well as 30 years’ experience in community development. He was a Professor in Geography, the University of Waterloo for 20 years and Professor in Geography, University de Montreal for 24 years. He is also an Adjunct Professor in the School of Environmental Design and Rural Development at the University Of Guelph, Canada.

Research Interest:
1. Sustainable community development, rural development, land use planning, strategic management/planning of development, community participation; 2. The dynamics & planning of periurban agriculture, including pioneer work on adaptation behavior under stressful conditions; 3. the adaptation of human activities to climatic change. In all, he has received over 110 years of grants & research/consulting contracts from different Canadian & international agencies.


Christopher R Bryant, Professor of University of Montreal & University of Guelph, Canada with 50 years of research experience in peri-urban agriculture (France, Canada and other countries) and 26 years research experience in adaptation of agriculture to climate change and variability as well as 30 years’ experience in community development. He was a Professor in Geography, the University of Waterloo for 20 years and Professor in Geography, University de Montreal for 24 years. He is also an Adjunct Professor in the School of Environmental Design and Rural Development at the University of Guelph, Canada.
