Transport Fuel

Transport biofuels provide not only a renewable and sustainable alternative to the finite resource of the oil utilized in the overwhelming majority of cars, but also are biodegradable, non-toxic and may provide significant carbon savings compared to fuel . a specific advantage of biofuels is that they will be utilized in all vehicles from buses to boats, and need little or no engine modification. Their use can cause a cut in CO2 emissions of fifty – 80% compared with fossil fuels. Biodiesel is produced through a process referred to as transesterification, which separates glycerine from oil , leaving biodiesel as a product. The glycerine can then be utilized in the making of other products, like soap. Biodiesel are often used as a straight fuel, or blended with mineral diesel to make a diesel blend. Both types are often used with none engine modification. Bioethanol is produced from plants like maize, wheat, sugar beet and sugar cane, through a process of fermentation, distillation and dehydration. It are often used as a 5% blend with petrol in unmodified engines. Many advanced biofuels, both bioethanol and biodiesel, are under development like lignocellulosic ethanol, fuel from algae, biohydrogen, biomethanol, DMF, BioDME, Fischer-Tropsch diesel, biohydrogen diesel, mixed alcohols and wood diesel. The state of development and commercialisation of those advanced biofuels varies but all currently require policy support.  

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