Sleep Apnea Peer Review Journals

 Sleep Apnea may be a disorder during which breathing is briefly and repeatedly interrupted during sleep. find out how to deal with this sleep-related breathing disorder. Obstructive apnea may be a disorder during which breathing is briefly and repeatedly interrupted during sleep. Obstructive apnea may be a disorder during which breathing is briefly and repeatedly interrupted during sleep. The “apnea” in apnea refers to a breathing pause that lasts a minimum of ten seconds. Obstructive apnea occurs when the muscles within the back of the throat fail to stay the airway open, despite efforts to breathe. Another sort of apnea is central apnea, during which the brain fails to properly control breathing during sleep. Obstructive apnea is way more common than central apnea. Obstructive apnea, or just apnea, can cause fragmented sleep and low blood oxygen levels. For people with apnea, the mixture of disturbed sleep and oxygen starvation may cause hypertension, heart condition and mood and memory problems. Apnea also increases the danger of drowsy driving. More than 18 million American adults have apnea. it's very difficult at the present to estimate the prevalence of childhood OSA due to widely varying monitoring techniques, but a minimum prevalence of two to three is probably going , with prevalence as high as 10 to twenty in habitually snoring children. OSA occurs altogether age groups and both sexes.  

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