Reproductive Toxicology Journals Impact Factor
Reproductive and Developmental Toxicology, presents one of the most comprehensive and thorough treatments of the complex discipline of toxicological
phenomena in reproducing and developing organisms available. The focus is obviously often on human species, which is quite understandable, but the book also covers other species, from organisms used for
toxicology testing to related aspects of wildlife species. The book surveys a large number of different chemicals, from pharmaceuticals to
environmental pollutants, and various experimental systems at all levels of biological organization. We anticipate that this book will be heavily used as a handbook for critically evaluated
information that may be not so easily available from other sources. Although the cynomolgus monkey is the established NHP
model for reproductive and developmental toxicology, there are several advantages to conducting developmental toxicity studies using marmosets. Considerations include specific cross-reactivity—particularly with biologics—and some specific teratogenic risks that are more difficult to demonstrate in
species with only one offspring.
High Impact List of Articles
Vertebral puncture reduces vertebral fracture-associated pain-do osteoplastic procedures qualify as successful placebo interventions?
Klein R, Weiss C, Georgescu CE, Tanner M, Schiltenwolf M, Wolfl CG, Nawroth PP & Kasperk C*
Research Article: Clinical Practice
Vertebral puncture reduces vertebral fracture-associated pain-do osteoplastic procedures qualify as successful placebo interventions?
Klein R, Weiss C, Georgescu CE, Tanner M, Schiltenwolf M, Wolfl CG, Nawroth PP & Kasperk C*
Research Article: Clinical Practice
The importance of social media to clinical practice
B Mesko
Opinion Article: Clinical Practice
The importance of social media to clinical practice
B Mesko
Opinion Article: Clinical Practice
Highlights from the latest articles on biomarkers for brain tumors
Anita T Tandle and Kevin Camphausen
Research Highlights: Clinical Practice
Highlights from the latest articles on biomarkers for brain tumors
Anita T Tandle and Kevin Camphausen
Research Highlights: Clinical Practice
Acknowledgement: Volume 3 Issue 3
Acknowledgements: Clinical Practice
Acknowledgement: Volume 3 Issue 3
Acknowledgements: Clinical Practice
Imaging brain tumors with ferumoxtran-10, a nanoparticle magnetic resonance contrast agent
Tulio P Murillo, Chloe Sandquist, Paula M Jacobs, Gary Nesbit, Sandor Manninger and Edward A Neuwelt
Research Article: Clinical Practice
Imaging brain tumors with ferumoxtran-10, a nanoparticle magnetic resonance contrast agent
Tulio P Murillo, Chloe Sandquist, Paula M Jacobs, Gary Nesbit, Sandor Manninger and Edward A Neuwelt
Research Article: Clinical Practice
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