Positive Psychology Research

  Positive psychology is that the study of the "good life", or the positive aspects of the human experience that make life worth living. As an art, it focuses on both individual and societal well-being. Positive psychologists have suggested variety of the way during which individual happiness could also be fostered. Social ties with a spouse, family, friends and wider networks through work, clubs or social organisations are of particular importance, while workout and therefore the practice of meditation may also contribute to happiness. Happiness may rise with increasing financial income, though it's going to plateau or maybe fall when no further gains are made. The basic premise of positive psychology is that citizenry are often drawn by the longer term quite they're driven by the past. A change in our orientation to time can dramatically affect how we expect about the character of happiness. Seligman identified other possible goals: families and schools that allow children to grow, workplaces that aim for satisfaction and high productivity, and teaching others about positive psychology. Positive psychologists seek to encourage acceptance of one's past, excitement and optimism about one's future experiences, and a way of contentment and well-being within the present. While the formal title "positive psychology" has only been around for the past two decades the concepts that form the basis of this field have been present in religious and philosophical discourse for thousands of years. The field of psychology predating the utilization of the term positive psychology has seen researchers who focused totally on topics that might now be included under the umbrella of positive psychology. Some view positive psychology as a gathering of Eastern thought, like Buddhism, and Western psychodynamic approaches. Other examples of the rich historical roots of positive psychology are present in the teachings of Aristotle, who emphasized the importance of happiness and well-being, which he referred to as eudemonia.  

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