Next Generation Automobiles Scholarly Open Access Journals

Next-generation vehicles have attracted attention as how to save lots of energy and reduce the worldwide environmental load. According to the Next-Generation Vehicle Guidebook 2016-2017 (published jointly by the Japanese Ministries of Environment, Economy, Trade and Industry, Land, Infrastructure and Transport), next-generation vehicles are defined as environmentally-friendly vehicles with high fuel performance and low or no emissions of air pollutants, including nitrogen oxides (NOx) and particulate matter (PM). The four major categories of next-generation vehicles are (1) electric, (2) hybrid, (3) plug-in hybrid and (4) cell .TYPE 1 : EV : Electric Vehicles (EVs) Electric vehicles (EVs) are powered by an electrical motor charged by off-vehicle sources. They do not emit CO2, and operational noise is reduced significantly. Compared with gasoline vehicles, EVs also have a more simplified structure with fewer parts. TYPE 2 : HV : Hybrid Vehicles (HVs) Hybrid vehicles (HVs) are powered by two or more distinct sources. The most common combination is a gasoline engine and an electric motorTYPE 3 : PHV: Plug-in Hybrid Vehicles (PHVs) / Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles (PHEVs) Plug-in hybrid vehicles (PHVs)/ plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs) are powered by a gasoline engine used in combination with a battery and an electric motor charged by off-vehicle sources.TYPE 4 : FCV : cell Vehicles (FCVs) cell vehicles (FCVs) are powered by an electrical motor whose energy is produced by the reaction of oxygen and hydrogen within the cell .    

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