
  Musculoskeletal Disorders are prevalent in communities across the globe and their impact is pervasive. It may affect people engaged in almost all the occupations, including healthcare & dental professionals, professionals working on computers or laptops for long hours, or laborers doing heavy manual work etc. Musculoskeletal Disorders are defined as a group of disorders that affect the musculoskeletal system including the nerves, tendons, muscles, and joints and supporting structures such as inter-vertebral discs etc. Musculoskeletal Disorders could result in pain, injury, illness, poor quality of life and reduced productivity. They are the most common cause of sever long term pain and disability, and are currently reported to be affecting hundreds of millions of people around the world (Garima Gupta, Prevalence of Musculoskeletal Disorders in Farmers of Kanpur-Rural, India). The concept of "review article" is separate from the concept of peer-reviewed literature. It is possible for a review to be peer-reviewed, and it is possible for a review to be non-peer-reviewed.  

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