Molecular Pharmacology Review Articles:

 Molecular Pharmacology welcomes original reviews of technically strong and scientifically sound research providing new insights into molecular mechanisms relevant to pharmacology, pharmaceutical sciences, and drug discovery across therapeutic modalities. Examples include studies of drug-receptor interactions, the effect of receptor feature on cell or system physiology, receptor-linked intra- or intercellular signaling systems, enzyme or transporter characteristic, drug delivery, drug metabolism, pharmacogenomics, ion channel feature, transcriptional mechanisms, molecular mechanisms underlying disease, mechanisms of agonism, antagonism, allosteric modulation, and signaling bias. Work centered on the primary receptor types (GPCRs, receptor tyrosine kinases, nuclear receptors, etc.) and ion channels, for example, are encouraged. Manuscripts that perceive novel drug targets, methods to deal with disease or defend tissues from damage, mechanisms of movement for xenobiotics, or insights into toxicologic mechanisms also are welcome, as are research that file the improvement of novel reagents or technologies which might be of vast applicability or yield new molecular insights. Reports that encompass translational research, relevant to any of the molecular topics stated above, are also encouraged. Studies involving molecular or mathematical modeling applicable to drug layout or drug motion can even be taken into consideration if they consist of new experimental records or check current experimental data to aid the model(s). The journal welcomes mini review articles addressing timely problems inside the discipline of molecular pharmacology. Molecular pharmacology overview article publishes findings derived from the utility of innovative structural biology, biochemistry, biophysics, physiology, genetics, and molecular biology to fundamental pharmacological issues that provide mechanistic insights that are broadly vital for the fields of pharmacology and toxicology. Relevant topics include: Molecular Signaling / Mechanism of Drug Action, Chemical Biology / Drug Discovery, Structure of Drug-Receptor Complex, Systems Analysis of Drug Action, Drug Transport / Metabolism.

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