Inner Ear

 The sense organ (internal ear, auris interna) is that the innermost a part of the vertebrate ear. In vertebrates, the sense organ is principally accountable for sound detection and balance. In mammals, it consists of the body structure, a hollow cavity within the os temporale of the bone with a system of passages comprising 2 main purposeful parts    The tube-shaped structure, dedicated to hearing; changing pressurea} patterns from the external ear into chemical science impulses that are passed on to the brain via the nervus vestibulocochlearis. The vestibular apparatus, dedicated to balance. The sense organ is found all told vertebrates, with substantial variations in kind and performance. The sense organ is innervated by the eighth nerve all told vertebrates.   The body structure, or structure, is that the network of passages with bony walls lined with membrane. The 3 major components of the body structure square measure the vestibule of the ear, the curved canals, and therefore the tube-shaped structure. The body structure runs inside the body structure, and creates 3 parallel fluid crammed areas. The 2 outer square measure stuffed with body fluid and therefore the inner with humor In the cavity, the energy of pressure waves is translated into mechanical vibrations by the 3 audile ossicles. Pressure waves move the eardrum that in turns moves the auditory ossicle, the primary bone of the center ear. The auditory ossicle articulates to auditory ossicle that connects to the auditory ossicle. The platform of the auditory ossicle connects to the fenestra, the start of the sense organ. once the auditory ossicle presses on the fenestra, it causes the body fluid, the liquid of the sense organ to maneuver. the center ear so serves to convert the energy from force per unit area waves to a force upon the body fluid of the sense organ. The fenestra has solely roughly 1/18 the world of the eardrum and so produces a better pressure. The tube-shaped structure propagates these mechanical signals as waves within the fluid and membranes so converts them to nerve impulses that square measure transmitted to the brain

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