Genome Sequencing Articles Open Access Journals
The Human
Genome Project aimed to sequence the DNA of every human chromosome, thus promising to advance human biology knowledge and improve medicine. This project was massive in scope as it tried to determine the order in the human
genome of all 3 billion nucleotides. To achieve this lofty goal, scientists developed a number of
sequencing techniques that accentuated speed without losing too much accuracy. Such methods initially built upon the so-called Sanger method first developed in the 1970s, slowly automating this procedure and increasing the number of samples that could be sequenced at a time. Machines that used an automated version of the Sanger method were, in fact, essential for completing the different stages of the Human
Genome project. However, in recent years researchers have begun to rely increasingly on newer and even faster approaches, including the technique known as 454 sequencing.
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