Forensic Pathology Review Articles

  Forensic pathology is that the subspecialty area of pathology that's specifically involved within the investigation of sudden, unexpected, and/or violent deaths. Thus, the practice of forensic medicine involves applying forensic scientific and pathological techniques to the investigation of lethal episodes. In a more general sense, forensic pathology can also be considered part of the somewhat larger discipline of forensic medicine that applies forensic sciences to The main role for many forensic pathologists is to perform medicolegal autopsies; however, the character of the practice is extremely variable counting on jurisdictions. In certain countries, such as Australia, forensic pathologists will only perform autopsies at the direction of the State Coroner, who is a lawyer and a judicial officer. In some jurisdictions within the us , like certain county-based doctors systems and most coroner systems, the official, legally mandated responsibility. Forensic medicine mainly deals with examination and assessment of individuals who have been—or are suspected to have been—injured or killed by external influence such as trauma or intoxication, but also of individuals who are suspected of having injured another person. This means that not only victims and suspects of crime, but also suicidees and accidental fatalities are examined by a specialist in forensic medicine.        

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