Cognitive Ergonomic,

 Cognitive bioengineering is that the field of study that focuses on however well the utilization of a product matches the psychological feature capabilities of users. It attracts on data of human perception, mental process, and memory. psychological feature style is outlined because the crafted impact a bit of writing has on its audience. ... This angle or perspective controls the means the author develops his or her work psychological feature bioengineering is that the discipline of constructing human-system interaction compatible with human psychological feature skills and limitations, notably at work. ... the sensible aim is to boost work conditions and human performance, yet as safety and health, and to avoid human error and reserve load and stress. The relevant topics embody mental employment, decision-making, competent performance, human-computer interaction, human responsibleness, work stress and coaching as these might relate to human-system style."[1] psychological feature bioengineering studies noesis in work and operational settings, so as to optimize human well-being and system performance noesis may be a term pertaining to the mental processes concerned in gaining data and comprehension. These psychological feature processes embody thinking, knowing, memory, judging, and problem-solving. one These area unit higher-level functions of the brain and include language, imagination, perception, and designing.  

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