On a large extent, the study of innovation and technological change has been motivated by a desire to understand and shape the forces that underlie economic development and competitiveness in a market economy. Thus, there is a large literature, contributed mainly by social scientists, examining the many facets of innovation and the factors that contribute to it—ranging from the behavior of individuals and organizations, to the role and effectiveness of state policies aimed toward spurring innovation especially sectors of the
economy or targeted areas of technology like computers, aircraft, or agriculture. The future global emissions of greenhouse gases will grow significantly in coming decades in response to growth in world population, economic development, and other factors that increase GHG emissions. As a result, the typical global temperature is projected to extend by 1.1ºC to 6.4ºC by the top of this century (IPCC, 2007). While there is considerable uncertainty in such projections (as evidenced by figure 3), the potential impacts of
global warming could seriously endanger human health, water supplies, agriculture, and human settlements—especially in coastal areas vulnerable to sea level rise and storms. The key source of GHG emissions, CO2 released from the combustion of these fuels—primarily from power plants and automobiles.
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