Climate Change Journals

 Climatic Change is committed to the wholeness of the problem of climatic variability and change - its causes, descriptions, interactions and implications among these. The determination of the journal is to provide a means of exchange among those working in different field on problems related to climatic variations. This means that authors have a chance to debate the concentration of their studies to people in other climate-related fields and to interested non-fields, as well as to report on research in which the originality is in the combinations of (not necessarily original) work from several fields. The objective of the journal is to produce a means of exchange between those working on problems related to climatic variations in the environment from different disciplines such as: biophysical, atmospheric, social sciences and engineering. Climate change is an open access peer reviewed journal determines to publish the cutting-edge research on the climate change, its influences on environment and the implications for the economy, society and policy.  

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