Anger-Effects In Children

A child constantly exposed to anger by a father figure may very well become an angry individual, resentful of authority in any shape or form, states Anger is a powerful emotion that is often more destructive if not expressed productively. There are two ways anger is expressed unproductively—implosively and explosively. Explosive expression of anger is like a bomb exploding—you can hear if, feel it, sense it, etc. Experiencing a bomb explode can also make others feel a high level of anxiety and fear. This is analogous to explosive anger. Implosive anger is quite the opposite. Implosive anger is quiet, meek, and most of the time unnoticeable. It is like the lava boiling within the volcano which eventually will flow from within, burning anything in its path. An individual with implosive expression of anger normally contain the anger at the core of the self. They avoid outward expression of their anger for fear of being judged by others and or avoid the consequences of explosive anger. People who express anger implosively are more likely take out anger on themselves. They are the cutters; the depressed individual; they are the drug and alcohol abusers and the lonely individual. Children, who grow up in a home where a parent expresses their anger explosively, usually express their anger implosively    

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